Jobbet er ikke længere tilgængeligt!

Men vi har mange flere spændende jobtilbud!

Flere job i Polen

Polen, Krakow (Krakow)Polen, Krakow (Krakow)

Content Reviewer - Process Associate - Danish - On Site Krakow!

Polen, KlodzkoPolen, Klodzko

Collections Administrator with Swedish/Finish/Danish or Norwegian

Polen, Krakow (Krakow)Polen, Krakow (Krakow)

Client Service Delivery Senior Administrator with Danish

Polen, Krakow (Krakow)Polen, Krakow (Krakow)

IT Specialist with Danish

Senior Purchasing Manager with Danish
Polen, WarszawaPolen, Warszawa

Senior Purchasing Manager with Danish

Publiceringsdato 29.01.2025

Imagine a future where you play a crucial role in ensuring the smooth operation of our carbon-neutral powerplants.

Join us in this senior role where you'll support daily operations at our Danish carbon-neutral powerplants and emerging CCX area by ensuring the availability of tools, spare parts, main components, and crane materials. You will act as the first point of contact, create purchase orders, and adhere to Ørsted's policies for purchases. You will also support the manager in understanding the intricacies of SAP, including purchase orders and best practices.

Welcome to Bio Procurement

You'll be part of a new team named "Bio Tactical Procurement" where you, together with your colleagues, will ensure the efficient and effective procurement of necessary materials for our operations, contributing to our commitment to sustainability and innovation. As a senior team member, you will lend your expertise to help guide and mentor junior colleagues.

You'll play an important role in:
  • creating purchase orders - receiving requisitions, creating POs for all types of spare part purchases, allocating suppliers, and submitting orders
  • ensuring deliveries and purchase orders are placed to meet the requirements from sites in terms of best price, quality, and delivery date
  • ensuring correct supplier/contract - creating POs and placing orders on suppliers where agreements exist, and challenging suggested suppliers from requisitioners
  • sourcing new suppliers and materials, negotiating price and lead time, and ensuring quality according to predefined standards where no contract is in place
  • optimizing procurement categories in cooperation with Sourcing & Category Managers
  • contributing to overall procurement savings
  • handling operational issues that may arise from the power plants, which could sometimes be in Danish.

To succeed in the role, you:
  • have strong communication skills and can effectively liaise with suppliers and internal stakeholders
  • are proactive in identifying and implementing continuous improvement initiatives
  • have strong knowledge of operational/tactical procurement and procure to pay process
  • possess experience with negotiation and supplier management skills
  • preferably have experience with SAP and large organizations with established procedures for issuing purchase orders, receiving invoices, and linking them to contracts
  • preferably speak Danish.

Vi bestræber os på at have pålidelig information om hver opgave. Fortæl os venligst, hvis der er noget galt, eller hvis du har fundet tekniske problemer.

Flere job i Polen

Polen, Krakow (Krakow)Polen, Krakow (Krakow)

Content Reviewer - Process Associate - Danish - On Site Krakow!

Polen, KlodzkoPolen, Klodzko

Collections Administrator with Swedish/Finish/Danish or Norwegian

Polen, Krakow (Krakow)Polen, Krakow (Krakow)

Client Service Delivery Senior Administrator with Danish

Polen, Krakow (Krakow)Polen, Krakow (Krakow)

IT Specialist with Danish

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Find din lejlighed i Polen


Polen, WarszawaPolen, Warszawa

Apartment in Gdansk





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Fælles bolig




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Mit ophold

Fælles bolig

Polen, WarszawaPolen, Warszawa

Room in shared apartment in Wroclaw






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Fælles bolig




Mit ophold


Polen, WarszawaPolen, Warszawa

Studio in Warszawa






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Mit ophold

Fælles bolig

Polen, WarszawaPolen, Warszawa

Room for rent in 7-bedroom house in Wrzeszcz, Gdansk







Mit ophold